Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Poster photos and Analysis

The network maps had a very interesting outcome.  When we looked at each others posters carefully, it became apparant that many of us had things in common regarding our style, favoured medias and ambitions.

We all have strengths and weaknesses which can be improved through networking.  If we communicate and work as a team, especially within mutual interests/pathways, we can improve our knowledge and self belief creating opportunities we may have missed on our own.  If we work to-gether as one, we can become stronger.

My own network map clearly followed my pathway.  Nevertheless, I did make connections with people who were taking other routes. This was helpful.  I realised that people who had other pathway plans frequently crossed or joined mine at the same point. This added strength to the network of students, giving opinions and ideas in an unbiased way.  We as students should make the most of our knowledge, share it with each other and use it to broaden our horizons and increase our chances of gaining our degrees, employment, self employment or what ever our dreams and ambitions are for the future.

By looking at our past, present and future we can see in black and white how we are, how we have been, and a confident glimpse of what we will become in the future.  Writing down everything you have done helps you focus on things you may have missed and might like to try.  Artists continually observe things.  We see things that others don't.  We interpret signs, objects and beings through art.  Using networking, we can open our minds to new ideas and thought processes.

At this moment in time, gaining employment is very difficult.  We must strive to become accomplished in our fields and develop our own unique style which will set us apart from others.  We should enquire about voluntary work as this shows employers that you have a high level of commitment and strong work ethics.  Networking will also provide you with teamworking skills.

PDP etc.

Been concentrating on PDP pathways and networks this week.  I made an A1 poster concentrating on my past, present and future work.  I based my poster on the idea of 'A christmas Carol'.  i.e the ghost of my past work, the spirit of my present work and the clairvoyance of my future work.  I used a different colour for each section.  I then looked for similar comments/interests on other posters tying string on for present work, and coloured twine for the future.  This created a personal network between like minded students, which was a good exercise, it made things much clearer when I divided past present and future into three groups.
I'm working on my first draft for my essay.  I've done just over a thousand words.  It's good to have it started.  I'm busy sorting out trial ideas for my 'Multiples' brief.  I'm not sure if i want to do a wall hanging or an installation.  I'd like to do something abstract.  Do I risk it?  Probably.  I just hope my grade won't plummet, abstract is out of my comfort zone.  I was happy with my grade for 'Second Life' so here's hoping!  I've made some chocolate chilli truffles so I'm off to have one (or two) with a glass of wine.  Merry Christmas.

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Our new brief for applied practice is Multiples.  I visited Edinburgh yesterday for research purposes.  As the title says, it was sunny.  This is a standing joke in our family.  It always seems to be sunny when I visit Edinburgh, maybe I'm just lucky. Anyhow it was a beautiful day, and I concentrated my research on the Royal Mile.  I think I was up every close.  I was even accosted by two pigeons in one of the closes.  There were many interesting 'Multiples'.  As yet I am a bit undecided which ones to use for my brief.  I have a few ideas so I must give them more thought before I do my PDP at the week end.  I'm working on my essay, trying to get my research into some kind of order.  Once I get started things flow more quickly, and make more sense.  The first draft is after Christmas so I still have plenty of time. I am going to a glass engravers shop to-morrow.  He is a friend of my husband, and offered to show me glass engraving techniques, which I am interested in.  I would also like to find out more about enamelling and hopefully try that too.  My Multiple pigeons are shown above!

Monday, 26 November 2012

New Timetable

Back to college and our new timetable this week. The last projects are now somewhere in the mists of time(even though they have still to be assessed) that will soon clear the fog! I have managed to borrow three great books from my friend for my essay research. I have chosen Art Nouveau.  As yet I am a bit undecided about the artists I want to discuss.  This was a global movement using diverse skills and I love them all.  I want to concentrate on two artists. Writing in depth about any more would seriously jeopardise my word count. I find Victor Horta, Antoni Gaudi,and Galle very interesting, so I'll probably choose two of these.  Meanwhile I'm enjoying researching all things Art Nouveau.
Started PDP Pathways and Projects to-day. It reminds me of a corkscrew. PDP works in the same way, extracting blockages and barriers from the riches and rewards within. I enjoy it.  We get our new brief to-morrow, looking forward to that.  My lovely garden shed (sorry,Studio) now sits proudly in the garden.  My husband is insulating it and shelving it for all my stuff to go in it.  I can't wait.  I'll be able to find stuff at a glance without digging in a 3foot pile of assorted 'art stuff'.  We will also be able to reclaim our table and eat in a civilised manner without the danger of finding embellishments and inclusions in our meals.  As you can see Santa has been to my house.  He has been working his magic in my studio, Insulating it and adding shelves etc. I love Santa.  He reminds me of my husband.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Deadline Time

I've been really busy finishing everything off for hand ins. It's been chaos for students and tutors trying to find spaces for displaying everyones work. I must say that the situation is not good, all the work is crammed to-gether and we were not able to display it properly.  It's a shame as everyone has worked hard to produce good final pieces which are not shown to advantage.  I hope the powers that be will resolve these problems before our next assessment.  The college is nice to look at but does not provide the practical necessities that are needed by artists, i.e.space, room to work, tables to work on (for everyone), personal storage areas and designated areas to display artwork.  Well that's enough moaning.  I feel my projects have gone well and really enjoyed the theme.  Wonder what the next brief will be, we'll soon find out, we get it on 26th.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Mid Module Tutorial time

Things are hotting up now.  I'm up to my neck in projects, Tying up loose ends on some and still ploughing through others.  I still have quite a lot of printmaking to do so I'm getting the plates ready this week for printing next.  I'm working on my 'Cocoon' and Connect' pieces, they are quite time consuming so I want to push on with them.  I have been adding to my sketch books this week too.  I'm not sure whether I want to choose an artist or an artistic movement.  I have a short list--Art Nouveau,Art Deco, Archibald Knox or Barbara Hepworth. I have a strong interest in all of these, my choice may be difficult.  We have had our tutorials this week.  I'm on track so if I continue in the same way I will hopefully present good end results.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Messing about

I've been really busy this week trying new workshop skills.  I've been well and truly plastered!  It's a messy business.  I 've been doing some intaglio prints.  I really enjoy printmaking and look forward to improving my technique and making better prints. 
My steampunk base for the 'Second Life' project is finished.  I'm ready to start work on the figure which will stand on the base.  I'm trying various fabrics and colours to see which work best.  Then I'll have to decide on the style of clothing.  It will be Victorian with a modern twist, incorporating some aspects of steampunk.  I will be using some photos of the base in printmaking class.  My garden workshop arrives next month.  It's 8"x8" and I can't wait to move all my stuff into it.  My house constantly looks like a bad day in the College workshop.  There's never more than a plate sized space on the kitchen table. I'll have plenty of light, a workbench, and shelves for everything.  I have a nice sunset picture taken in the Hebrides this week, no reason it's just beautiful.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Steampunk 'junk'

We started printmaking this week.  I made some collagraphs using tissue paper, feathers etc.  I also scored and varnished card which was printed.  I tried using MDF, lino, and caustic soda on lino.  I won't get the finished prints until next week as they still had to dry.
I have been doing some temporary trials for the constructed text brief.  I'm enjoying the variety of skills involved, and trying to narrow my final word/words down.  Still got lots of things to try before I make a final decision regarding word and materials.  At the moment I am favouring connect, cocoon, and abrupt.                                                     
My second life brief is coming along.  I've decided on placements for my steampunk figure on the base.  I have made a wire armature for the figure and cut the base from MDF. My next task is to make and fit all componants to the base before starting the figure.  I have loads of scraps of fabric, leather and all sorts of steampunk stuff. 
My husband got a bucket of 'rubbish' from a friend who is a plumber.  It was so exciting.  Wire, shower hoses, copper bends, brass nuts small bits of wire and much more.  Oh no, it's not rubbish it's like gold to me!                                                     

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New College, New Challenges

Here I am in second year at Raploch campus.  The facilities and views are great!  Just managed to access my blog to-day,  thanks Paul.  We have been given new tasks and briefs.  So far we have 'Second Life' and constructed text. I have been doing temporary trials and paper folding for the constructed text.  I will also do some 3d trials using various materials before I decide how my finished piece will look.  I did some wirework relating to the constructed text ie. chain links=connect. The word connect was attached to the wire links and also made of wire.

I will be making a doll with a steampunk theme for the 'Second Life' brief, using re-cycled materials and findings.  I find this brief exciting, the steampunk genre is very interesting.  We were inventing a new super hero with a Scottish twist in contextual studies this week.  We have to choose names and design costume for next week.  I've been gathering information and art samples of Kate Downie for printmaking class this week.  I have chosen some of my photos, and did some drawings which I feel reflect the work of the artist.

Monday, 4 June 2012


On holiday now.  I don't know what to do with all this time.  I've been looking at various artists and techniques as I don't get much extra time to do this in term time.  I've tidied all my art 'stuff ' as it was taking over the house.  It's all neatly filed, labelled and stacked ready for second year. Still can't stop gathering things. At the moment it's feathers, small pieces of wood and brightly coloured paper.  I think I'm turning into a magpie.  Went to see the Degree show at college (twice ) unfortunately each time we went, the work was being assessed.  Managed to see the great textile display and Trevor's beautiful stained glass.  I  spoke to Fiona Jenkins and admired her amazing work.  I've been following her blog but until now havn't managed to speak to her.  She's a lovely person and I'm glad I met her before she moves on.  I'm waiting on my results at the moment, hopefully they will be good.

Friday, 18 May 2012

This week I'm working feverishly on my museum project pieces.  Why is it always the smallest details that take the longest?  Anyway I've just got to fix 'Jock in the Box's' head on to his spring and get him in his box and that's it.  Transformation was being assessed yesterday so fingers crossed.  I'm concentrating on my essay this week.  Trying to stick to the rules and write it in the correct way.  I've added a couple of pictures of my 2D piece and a small part of my 3D piece for my Transformation brief. My theme started with the inner structure of trees(2D piece) then progressed to an Arboreal Fantasy of a 'vase' of flowers made by using tree componants ie. Bark,paper,twigs,recycled tea bags to make flowers, pine cones and various other materials which enhanced the overall effect.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The end is Nigh!

I've been working hard on various projects.  Transformation is due to be handed in on 15th May.  All is going well, and I'm nearing the end of this one.  I am making an 'Arboreal Fantasy'--inspired by the inner structure of trees.  My museum brief is next to be finished.  I am almost finished this one, I've left the hardest bit till last, but I should finish all of it by the week end.  My presentation is over.  I was very nervous but I think it was ok.  I should have used some bullet points instead of trying to remember everything.  My nervousness obliterated some information.  Got my PDP folder back from Paul I got a 1A! thought I'd just write that down for posterity. Last but not least, essay is due in for David soon. I like this photo.  I took it from my window as it was getting dark.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Hippodrome and stuff

I'ts been a while- I've been a bit bogged down with babysitting work,/homework/research, and worst of all, trying to climb another digital mountain.  If you notice a frequent change of staff in the learning zone-I reckon it's down to me!  I just finished my Hippodrome poster and flyer.  All I can say is I managed (just) and I'm sure my next one with added digital typography will be better than my first attempt.  My initial design is ok, the problems started when I had to add text digitally.  You may laugh, but this is a big challenge for me.
I have completed the first draft of my essay on Percy Wyndham Lewis's Art and Vorticism.  I am now getting my oral presentation ready for 26th April.  Lovely David gave us an extension for this one--but he did stress that because of this, the presentation must be perfect.  (so what's new ?)
We are just finishing our Journey to College storyboard in specialist skills(AKA specialist Tortures).Should be finished next week.  Working on transformation brief, must make a choice before Tuesday.  I love the work of Beatrice Coron, I may utilise this technique for my brief.
And so to PDP.  Paul wants the Log book handed in before the Easter holidays.  The research involved is very time consuming, but very interesting.  I'm finding out many things regarding my chosen artists.  The information gathered will be most useful in the future.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Time Flies

I've been so busy that I nearly forgot about my blog.  Finished my St. Kilda project.  I really enjoyed it and I was happy with the end result, I have added a picture.  I also borrowed a nice archive film from SNL which was showing above the cleit.  It added nice atmosphere.  Started our new brief, to design a poster for Bo'ness Hippodrome.  This is nostalgic for me as I used to go and watch films there every week when I was young.( I was born and brought up in Bo'ness).  This doesn't make the project any easier as it will involve IT skills.  We all know how I feel about them! Been trying origami.  Not too keen on it but during research I found an amazing artist who uses her paper cut designs to make just about anything.     

Monday, 30 January 2012

New Brief

Started our new brief entitled 'Home and Displacement'.  This is a very thought provoking subject as it affects so many people in different ways.  After some thought on the subject, I decided to do an installation based on the lives and the evacuation in1930 of the last 36 inhabitants of St Kilda.  Moving away from home even for a short time can be very traumatic but for the St Kildans it was much worse as they would never be able to return.  I'm doing a participant observation excercise this week.  I am looking at the 'school run' and collecting information regarding the amount of cars, occupancy, arrival/departure times etc.  Took pictures on the way to college to-day for Johns' brief ' My Journey to College'.  Just traffic and roadworks, not exciting.  We are doing an origami workshop to-morrow, should be interesting.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New Year

Had a nice break, now it's back to reality.  Must get my brain back into gear before Monday.  Been doing some research over the holidays, it's nice just to look at one thing at a time.  Just to make you feel warmer, two nice sunny photos of Barra.  I had   just fulfilled my ambition to land on the beach there.  It was amazing!