Sunday, 23 September 2012

Steampunk 'junk'

We started printmaking this week.  I made some collagraphs using tissue paper, feathers etc.  I also scored and varnished card which was printed.  I tried using MDF, lino, and caustic soda on lino.  I won't get the finished prints until next week as they still had to dry.
I have been doing some temporary trials for the constructed text brief.  I'm enjoying the variety of skills involved, and trying to narrow my final word/words down.  Still got lots of things to try before I make a final decision regarding word and materials.  At the moment I am favouring connect, cocoon, and abrupt.                                                     
My second life brief is coming along.  I've decided on placements for my steampunk figure on the base.  I have made a wire armature for the figure and cut the base from MDF. My next task is to make and fit all componants to the base before starting the figure.  I have loads of scraps of fabric, leather and all sorts of steampunk stuff. 
My husband got a bucket of 'rubbish' from a friend who is a plumber.  It was so exciting.  Wire, shower hoses, copper bends, brass nuts small bits of wire and much more.  Oh no, it's not rubbish it's like gold to me!                                                     

Thursday, 13 September 2012

New College, New Challenges

Here I am in second year at Raploch campus.  The facilities and views are great!  Just managed to access my blog to-day,  thanks Paul.  We have been given new tasks and briefs.  So far we have 'Second Life' and constructed text. I have been doing temporary trials and paper folding for the constructed text.  I will also do some 3d trials using various materials before I decide how my finished piece will look.  I did some wirework relating to the constructed text ie. chain links=connect. The word connect was attached to the wire links and also made of wire.

I will be making a doll with a steampunk theme for the 'Second Life' brief, using re-cycled materials and findings.  I find this brief exciting, the steampunk genre is very interesting.  We were inventing a new super hero with a Scottish twist in contextual studies this week.  We have to choose names and design costume for next week.  I've been gathering information and art samples of Kate Downie for printmaking class this week.  I have chosen some of my photos, and did some drawings which I feel reflect the work of the artist.