Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Grayson Perry, my hero!

I've been really busy this week working on my world aids day project.  The embroidery stitches I'm using are done in a freeform style, and some are quite big.  Nevertheless, they are really time consuming.  I'm glad I did a time plan which I am following.  I'll be finished the embroidery in my design this week.  That leaves me time to assemble all parts and prepare my statement for assessment.
I have also been doing my PDP report.  It's taking me ages as well.  I'm not too skilled at writing reports, but I'm sure it's better than last years attempt.
I'll be starting work on my essay after this week.  I have decided to write about Grayson Perry.  I find him fascinating with a great satirical sense of humour.  I don't quite understand why he and his work appeal to me so much, it just grabs me.  Perhaps I'll find out during my essay research.  I do know that I like the way he preserves vivid memories and observations in his work--warts and all.  His work is frank and brutally honest.  I felt like this in first year when I chose Percy Wyndham Lewis for my essay.  I had never heard of him, but was drawn to his work after seeing a portrait of his wife in Kelvingrove Art Gallery.  He also had a unique rebellious personality.
The Reith Lectures 2013
Maybe I have a sub conscious longing to be a rebel! Too late I fear.
Luckily, I'm starting my research at the same time as Perry is giving The Reith Lectures on Radio 4.  I listened to the first one this week.  If Perry wasn't an artist, he could be a comedian.  His observations and related comments were hilarious.  
First piece of embroidered design

Thursday, 3 October 2013

What A Yarn!

This week I am up to my eyes in every kind of yarn you could imagine.  I bought some from McArees in Stirling. That shop is like Aladdins cave.  I spent ages just touching the wools, and even longer choosing the right textures and colours for my design.  I have started embroidering the first part of my design, but I've left it in college for to-morrow so I'll have to add a picture next week.  I must write my mid module tutorial for next week, then get started with my essay first draft.  My graduation plan for PDP must also be started (everything comes in threes).
lay out of design
Following a second visit to the hospital and conversation with Babs McCool, I have decided to request a white wall space.  This will enhance the design. I aim to get a lot of embroidery work done between to-morrow and next Wednesday.

stitch samples
I want this work to be bright and colourful, reflecting the optimism and advance of treatment and research.  I will be introducing strong movement in the design, representing the tenacity of sufferers, their families and friends.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Keep calm and carry on!

Hospital Corridor
Foiled glass (not soldered)
This has been a very busy week.  These deadlines always approach quicker than expected. I always find the amount of work leading up to Christmas very intense. I'm sometimes running to stand still.  I've been getting lots of textile materials together, choosing colours and textures. I've also made a macquette for my design lay out. It still needs some changes, but it does what I want it to do.  I'm starting some hand stitched, machine stitched, and free knitted samples this week. There are so many options I want to make sure I choose the best ones for my project.  I've also cut, smoothed and foiled some glass for another sample. I've got loads to do for this brief as it involves mixed media and textiles.  I visited the hospital to get an idea of position/light etc.  I now know that I want my work to be wall mounted.  I previously thought about hanging the work in front of a window, but I don't think that would be possible after viewing the space available. Health and safety laws might prevent the window areas from being used.  My next step is to cut the abstracted shapes for my design, and fix them into position on a  mounting board. I'm organising all the data for my essay which I've been collecting from various sources for a few months, and desperately trying to find time to finish two research books for the essay.
Colours for Project

Friday, 13 September 2013


Prussian Blue Dale Chihuly
My PLP has been approved without any amendments.  This allows me to proceed with my ideas and practical experimentation.  I have been looking at the work of glass artists this week, particularly Dale Chihuly, John Piper, and Frank LLoyd Wright. They differ greatly in style, but all utilise glass to great effect.  I have also looked at some modern, random glass triptyichs.  Dale Chihuly is my favourite of the ones mentioned.  His work is vibrant, full of movement and alive. His use of lighting with the glass is amazing.
These water droplets below are like glass beads sitting on the leaf. I like the reflections and light on them.  The honesty seeds remind me of the HIV virus image I have in my sketchbook. Enough glass, I could go on all day! One more comment---I love the way the fused glass is woven to create spaces. My next task is to start experimenting with various textiles, perspex and glass. Some samples will go in my sketchbook, others will be small macquettes.
Weaving with fused glass Dale Chihuly
Honesty seedheads

Water droplets on Hosta leaf

Saturday, 7 September 2013


We received our new brief this week-'Alive and Well', world aids day (1/12/13).My initial response has not been good. I couldn't get past the misery and death caused by aids. I'm glad to say that I have now moved on to the positive aspects such as huge improvements in the treatment and control of the condition, optimism for the future and 'happy' thoughts regarding patients and ways to lift their spirits.  I'm looking at the qualities of stained glass, light and reflections as well as bright colours. I have decided that what ever I do will be bright and comforting to the viewer.
I enjoyed our first lecture from David.  Although it was repeated from last year, I feel I absorbed the information better this time.  I wish I could say the same.about a book recommended by David (On Longing by Susan Stewart).  I've been reading it during the holidays, but I struggle with it sometimes, nevertheless I will continue until the end-- hopefully it will all become clearer by then.  Some examples of aids posters.  Food for thought!




Thursday, 29 August 2013

Third Year

Marshmellow strawberries from my garden.YUM!
Knitted Artichoke
Here I am, starting my third year of my degree.  I can't believe how fast my course is going.  I t was nice to see everyone again.  We have a designated classroom this year with storage space which we share with the other half of our class, so only two people will use any one desk.  There were lots of problems regarding work space last year, so it's nice to see that they were addressed.We will be going on a trip to London in February.  I really look forward to that as a previous trip to Barcelona had to be cancelled. I should be able to gain much from the trip regarding my final project. I have been making enquiries during the holidays regarding craft fairs locally, and availability of sales tables at them.  I visited a few of them (most take place on a Monthly basis).  They are not huge, but are well established which is important as potential customers know where and when they take place. I have booked tables at the November and the December Fairs.  Hopefully I will benefit from extra sales for Christmas gifts.  I have been making items for selling throughout the holidays, mainly knitted goods. I will continue with a variety of hand made goods leading up to the fairs. If they are successful, I will attend on a monthly basis. I have added some pictures of my woolly zoo!
cuddly toys

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Holiday blog

Beautiful North Uist Sunset
I've been for a weeks holiday to beautiful Beauly near Inverness.  We had lovely weather and the cottage we rented was 5star. The owners dog tried to stowaway in our car a few times.  That was a bit spooky as we had an Irish setter years ago. Apparantly the dog has never attempted to jump into anyone else's car. We didn't mind, he was lovely.  I continue research and idea development during the holidays, I must keep my brain active or it will go to sleep permanantly!  I have taken a variety of photos which I have stored for possible future use.  We are off to visit our daughter in the Outer Hebrides in July.  Looking forward to that as we don't see each other very often. The journey including the two hour ferry takes 7 hours.  We could probably go to America quicker.  I will be taking reading material suggested by David .  Not much to do there, a good opportunity to catch up on some reading.  We were at a great concert last week-George Thorogood.  I hear you all asking "Who?" Well he is an ageing American rock and roll singer who in my opinion(and hundreds of others) is a very talented entertainer who gives 100% at every concert. He asked the audience how it felt to be 17 again.  This sums up the effect his music has on people.  Most people have heard one song of his-Bbbbbb Bad To The Bone. George has been going strong for forty years and still sounds as good. He's a bit like myself, no spring chicken! Can't wait until his next concert. I have added some pictures.
cool George
Great meal in Beauly
George Thorogood
Breck-Irish Setter