Friday, 13 September 2013


Prussian Blue Dale Chihuly
My PLP has been approved without any amendments.  This allows me to proceed with my ideas and practical experimentation.  I have been looking at the work of glass artists this week, particularly Dale Chihuly, John Piper, and Frank LLoyd Wright. They differ greatly in style, but all utilise glass to great effect.  I have also looked at some modern, random glass triptyichs.  Dale Chihuly is my favourite of the ones mentioned.  His work is vibrant, full of movement and alive. His use of lighting with the glass is amazing.
These water droplets below are like glass beads sitting on the leaf. I like the reflections and light on them.  The honesty seeds remind me of the HIV virus image I have in my sketchbook. Enough glass, I could go on all day! One more comment---I love the way the fused glass is woven to create spaces. My next task is to start experimenting with various textiles, perspex and glass. Some samples will go in my sketchbook, others will be small macquettes.
Weaving with fused glass Dale Chihuly
Honesty seedheads

Water droplets on Hosta leaf

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