Friday, 30 September 2011

Semiotics and the 'Blue Blood' cruise

Still ploughing through my 'Time' piece. Nearly finished now.  I had to make a few adjustments this week. I have only a few bits and pieces to finish  then we'll see if it works! Learning to read artwork this week.  Considered the effects of colour, space,balance, weighting  unity and rythm.  Factors which can portray the mood of a painting, and the meaning of it.  We also deconstructed our photograms.  We then reconstructed them in a different design and drew the new design. I found this an interesting procedure.  Now we must tackle semiotics and 'Blue Blood' cruise. After much deliberation, I have (correctly I hope) come to the conclusion that Semiotics is the study of cultural signs, non written, and non spoken.  That of course is only the tip of the iceberg!  As for 'the cruise', well I'm feeling seasick already, I'm off for a tot of rum.

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