Thursday, 31 January 2013

My wonderful Studio!

Well here it is folks, my Studio!  No more clutter strewn all over the house.  All my art stuff is stored neatly in here.  I'm going to paint it in the Spring,  sage green I think. Watch this space.  Got my first draft for my essay back this week.  It was ok, I've just to concentrate on my chosen artists as opposed to The Art Nouveau movement, using contextual comparisons within my discussion.  We did our group exercise with Paul this week.  I found it very beneficial. Researching different artists then discussing our findings in a group discussion helped clarify what I like, and why I like it.  I looked at the work of Grayson Perry, and now I want to find out all about him and his work.  He is a one off and possesses an honesty rarely seen.  This clearly comes through in his ceramic works.  Every pot tells a harrowing story.  I never paid much attention to his work before, I must admit, I thought he was another oddball.  Never judge a book by its cover!  My multiples project is progressing quite well now following a slight hiccough regarding part of my design. After further development trials, I found a solution which I am working on.  This has involved some welding with Alison.  I found it very interesting, and the end result is a 3D piece which works much better than my original idea.  I have also made a plaster of paris mould for a trial glass casting next week. My diet is going well, I have lost 10LBS in a month.  Still a long way to go.    

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