Thursday, 17 November 2011

Accordians and concertinas etc.

On Monday we were looking at book making and bookbinding.  We did a couple of samples---accordian and concertina, also a normal shape with a couple of pages and a cover. I will be making more samples using the PDF file for guidance.I loved this workshop.  The wee "books" were so cute and could be adapted in so many ways.
Handed my digital report in , it went better than I thought.  Next digital mountain is to take one of the artists techniques from my report and make my own image using a similar(but very basic) version of the technique.
Still working on various versions of my mushroom/fungi drawings.  I would like to do a lino cut for one of them, also ink drawings using plywood.
Talked about power and knowledge in contextual studies.  Writing a piece about a personal experience involving the topic for next week.  I have also decided to base my 500 word critical review on Percy Wynham Lewis. Busy week ahead, finishing my Personality Map, handing in on 21st. Also must do my Statement for Assessment for Creative Concepts, and my PDP Mid Module tutorial.Phew. A little light relief on Saturday.  I'm going to the Edinburgh Art Fair. I go every year and I will look at the art with different eyes this year.

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