Anyhow I blame Percy Wyndham Lewis for all of this. I have been researching his never ending works for my 500 word critical review. He's too smart for his own good----poet, writer, artist, fascist,controversial, outspoken, unpopular, complicated need I go on? The kind people in the library saw my plight and are at this moment awaiting delivery of one or even better two of his books for my research, oh joy.
We did more bookmaking this week. I started to make a flag book, but had to finish it at home. Now to the highlight of my week. I have been led up the digital mountain by Sherpa John, and hallelujah I have digitally rendered my mushroom drawing in photoshop using the airbrush tool. It's looking good. This week I will do the same with my Baobab tree drawing. I'll try and put a photo of the magic mushrooms on this blog but don't hold your breath. Watched part of "Harry Brown" in contextual studies this week, very thought provoking. Well I'm off now to stare at my list on the fridge and make my first selection of the day. Back again mushrooms were wrong file type or something so here are some wooden onions.
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